We help our clients gain a competitive edge in the market and generate higher revenues.


Are you interested in automatically reading texts from photos? Analyzing sentiment of reviews/comments users are leaving under your products? Predicting the necessity for repairs in your production devices before they actually break? Or perhaps you would like to add an intelligent chatbot so that your users can get answers to their questions 24 hours a day? All that and even more is possible thanks to artificial intelligence techniques – that we can help you employ.

Generative AI and Large Language models

You heard about the recent rise of generative technologies such as Chat-GPT or DALL·E and are wondering how they can empover your business or products? Or maybe you already have some ideas, but have no idea how to utilize this technology in practice? Luckily our team is here to help you! Based on our practical experience we will introduce you to technology details, possibilities, associated risks, and ultimately help you implementing a solution that will harness the power of generative AI, be it for text, image, or even sound and video content.

Big data solutions

The amount and variety of data generated by IT systems continues to increase year by year. We will help you with choosing, designing and implementing the right data platform responsible for storage and processing the data in your organization, so that it fulfills all business requirements and allow you to quickly assess your company’s situation and take right actions based on that.

Advanced Data Analysis

While even raw data is valuable, with proper analysis it can deliver incredibly insightful knowledge about the events and ongoing trends in your business. We will assist you in finding solutions that can be used to provide you with performance indicators and visualization systems that will allow you to continuously extract this knowledge from your data to further optimize your business processes and gain competitive advantage.


Perhaps you already have a team of highly specialized AI researchers, but your team is having problems delivering their models to the clients, or overwhelmed by managing and tracking all the experiments they are running? Those aspects can be greatly simplified and automated using the right tools, which we can help you to integrate into your work environments to boost your team productivity.

Cloud solutions

Nowadays most of the enterprises try to take advantage of using some public cloud services in order to reduce infrastructure costs or development effort – but often can’t do it due to high entry threshold and lack of required expertise. We can help you with migrating your existing infrastructure, extend the services you already have or optimize the potential costs for most of the major cloud providers such as AWS, Azure or GCP.


Chatbots, conversational robots programmed and designed to automatically and instantly answer users’ questions, are becoming more and more popular with both companies and companies and their customers, due to their versatility, wide range of use cases, ranging from automated knowledge bases to scheduling booking appointments, and the fact that they can be effectively used across most industries. We can help you introduce these intelligent assistants into your work environment and customer-facing products, providing users with value and enhanced experience in a 24h/7 fashion.

Software Consulting

While we specialize in data-related solutions, we also deal with a whole range of other applications and software development aspects (especially DevOps) on a regular basis. Feel free to inquire about other topics – especially if you think that your application has potential to use the power of its data later in the future.

Highlighted work

see more case studies

Accelerating medical research by development of MRI analysis toolset


AI-based clinical brain diagnosis support system


Using OCR to automate invoices processing in accounting

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